Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Valhalla Lodge Summer 2009

So the flight was amazing! We went through the Alaskan Range Pass and actually passed the volcano that was erupting earlier this spring. I did see the ash from it and then got this strange feeling and remember Mount St. Helen and wondered if I'd make it out of here alive...Just kidding. If I worried about such stuff I'd never go anywhere. 

Here is the pre-flight picture with Buff (step-cousin), Erin the cook at the lodge and me.
Looking back at Anchorage.

Flying through the Alaskan Range
The beginning of Lake Clark. This lake will be my home for the summer.
This is the Valhalla Lodge.

The View from my window, in my OWN room and OWN bathroom. Jealous?


  1. I am such a dork, I didn't even think about clicking on your name!! That lake is the most beautiful color, great pics....and I am sure it is only the beginning!!!

  2. What an awesome view. You go girl!
