Monday, August 3, 2009

Lets just say it sort of reminds me of a science experiment. Those group test they preform on individuals to see how they behave in isolation or confinement with others. I'm wondering how I'm doing or how I appear to be doing to the observers. Do they think I'm a loon? The weakest link or am I the stable rock they'd cling to if things got messy? Am I the problem solver or the problem creator? 
Its difficult to self analyze for when I do try and figure it out, where I stand that is, because once I get passed "do they not think I'm doing a good job?" I realize its all probably just nerves and annoyances. I get the job done and I try not to bug anyone to much.
The wind hasn't really let up. Its claim in the morning and then windy by noon. The jogs have been getting less because the rain has muddied up the trail and made it very dangerous to run on. I've almost twisted an ankle twice now. I've been doing cartwheels in the lawn and stretching like I did in the good old dance of Jazz and Tap. 
Last week, Chris, John and I were left at the lodge for five days. To say the least we made it out the other end with out killing one another or burning down the lodge.

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