Friday, September 23, 2011

Just some notes on trail

One of the coolest animal sightings happened the other day. We saw an owl. It silently flew from one branch to another and I saw it from the corner of my eye. We watched it for a few minutes and moved on.

On sept 7 we broke our record. We pulled a 32 mile day into crater lake. We consider Oregon the promised land because a lot of hikers say thAt compared to everything else we've climbed over it's flat and so far we haven't been disappointed.

Shilo (James' dog) joined us on the trail at highway 3 (right outside of etna, ca) when my sister came to see us. So far she is doing great! We are only planning on taking here through Oregon though so that if the weather holds and we have a chance of finishing we can book it to the border.

There are a bunch of fires so we might have to skip around some sections since road walking doesn't sound like fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:On the trail in Oregon

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! Owls are so stinking cute! Remember the little owl we had at the park? It was so small, and it died, but still super cute!
    Have you figured out how to post pictures with the app yet? Man, I wish I had something to blog about! This app is pretty dang cool! I miss you guys!
