Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Idyllwild, 179 miles

So we made it into Idyllwild two days ago. We were on top of a mountain the night before we arrived and on top of that mountain we ran into ice, wind and rain. I thought to myself 'Is this really the desert? It sure doesn't feel like it.' It actually felt like home so we were easily able to make 20 miles that day. That night we found some trees that reminded us of beach shore pine and so we crawled under them and set up our tent. We were the only ones on the mountain that night that had a great night of sleep. Coming from the coast finally paid off because it sure has been working against me when it comes to the dry desert hikes.

When we finally arrived in town we thought we'd just stay a night, but the next morning we decided to take a zero day (no hiking involved). $3 a night to stay in the state park was just to good to pass up. Idyllwild is an adorable town in the mountains. It reminds me of the Bayfront but instead of ocean based art it has forest based art. But the one thing about taking a zero day is that you have to walk to every place you want to see. Man, this trip involves a lot of walking :)

Next stop is Big Bear which is 96 trail miles. We plan on getting there in about 5 to 6 days. First we have to go over Fosters Ridge which is supposed to have snow on it right now. We're a little worried about getting over it, it's really easy to lose the trail when you have to go over snow packs. My moto is we'll be fine. Even if we have to back track and go around we'll get down off this mountain and back into the hot hot desert in no time :(.... Man I never thought I'd say this but I like hiking in the rain better than the desert heat.

Well I guess we better get back to our adventure and start walking....

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